
Is the Future Really Cloud? Learn How & Why


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Sunshine, rainbows, and clouds – all have taken a new meaning in the current era.

Out of the three, the cloud has given the most to the IT industry (no pun intended!), so much so that businesses have started questioning if the future is really cloud. And if it is, how to determine where a business stands in its cloud journey.

The reality is cloud computing is the basis of digital transformation. After all, it’s not merely about crunching numbers and data anymore. Instead, all businesses need the cloud for their computing needs.

So, if you’re unsure how and why the cloud can help you, here are the reasons to embrace cloud technology for the future.

Reasons Why Cloud Computing Is the Future

It Boosts Speed & Agility

Businesses need one thing to succeed in today’s market: evolution at a quick pace. That means if a company doesn’t evolve with the changing trends, it will go obsolete.

Take Blackberry, for example. The brand left its competitors behind in the 2000s. However, by 2020, it resorted to being a brand licensed to other phone manufacturers.

On the contrary, companies like Apple sold over $100 billion worth of iPhones yearly.

So, what does that translate to?

If your business only sticks to traditional IT processes, you’re no match for today’s competition. Here, the cloud can become your ally in providing the speed and agility you need. For instance, DevOps is powered by cloud resources and can help you keep your software capabilities and performance in check.

It Improves Application Availability

Mobile apps are the front face of your business. So, even if your infrastructure fails, your business app must respond to customer queries resiliently.

If you opt for on-premises applications, that won’t offer the desired results. Instead, you might face significant downtime, and ultimately, your loyal customers will turn to others. Cloud helps you make your application resilient in the face of an adversary.


When you gain cloud resources, you won’t have to use redundant resources and only pay for the resources you use.

Moreover, you can avoid a Single-Point-of-Failure (SPOF) application design. This way, when something goes down, your application can operate as usual and always be available.

It Offers Significant Cost Savings

Servers, storage, network – your physical infrastructure requires a lot of expenses to be up and running at all times. Not to mention the money associated with operating these resources.

The cloud offers significant cost reduction by helping you operate on scale. Since the system works on automation, you will need minimum resources to run an entire infrastructure.

It Enhances Security

While on-premises IT infrastructure invests in security measures, it’s beyond comparable to the security cloud offers.

Besides that, the cloud requires high investment to protect against cyber threats. Since you’ll be securing your data and infrastructure, cloud computing can be a worry-free option to handle your operations.

Think of it like not putting all the eggs in one basket.

It’s Your Employees’ Future Partners

According to Fortinet’s 2021 report, approximately 38% of organizations said they run half their workload on the cloud; 58% said they’ll run that much workload in the cloud within the next 12-18 months.

Believing in the power of stats, it’s not hard to do the math currently standing in 2023. The bottom line: employees love it, which is why organizations are embracing the cloud sooner than later.

Considering the growth patterns, employees are likely to switch to companies that use the cloud rather than restrict their career options.

***To ensure you’re a forward-moving company, it’s high time to adapt to the cloud. ***

Final Words

Of course, it requires including skilled resources, significant training, and educating existing teams, but it’s nothing HashOne can’t help you with.

Contact us today to proceed in your cloud journey without delay!


John Doe

Software Engineer

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